3 LinkedIn Connect Messages That Convert

Reading Time: < 1 min read
What are the three most common styles of LinkedIn connect messages? What are realistic benchmarks for measuring your invitation requests? Find out below.

3 Styles of LinkedIn Connect Messages

1. The Generic Invite Message

Generic messages are simple:
Example 1: “Hey John, just looking to expand my network. I would love to be a part of yours.”
Example 2: “Hey John, just looking to connect with others in my field. Can we connect?”
This style has a 25-40% connection rate. Despite its simplicity, it can often be effective.

2. The Targeted Invite Message

These messages will look more specific and unique to each individual, such as:
Example 1: “Hey John, just wanted to connect with other CEOs and founders in Irvine that are VC-backed.”
Example 2: “Hey John, saw that you are a part of the SaaS Daily group on LinkedIn, looking to connect with like-minded individuals.”

3. The No-Invite Message

Oftentimes, when people see a message attached to a connection request, they’ll automatically expect an incoming sales pitch. If not, the lead might quickly mentally categorize your connection request as one that they will read later, thereby skipping your request and accepting the invites with no messages instead.
By sending a connection request without any message, you can successfully bypass these two automatic assumptions.
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