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How do you follow up in sales without being pushy? Check out these four ways of maximizing the effectiveness of your follow-up process:
1. Ask for the follow up
At the end of your initial meeting, ask your prospect what the next steps are and what the expected timeline will look like.
For example, if they mentioned they will meet with their team on Tuesday to discuss your product, you can ask if you can follow-up with them Wednesday. This way, the next steps are laid out and you have their permission to check in again. Even if they don’t respond, you now have the right to try again.
2. Use a CRM
Organize your follow-up tasks in a CRM system, there are plenty to choose from (we like to use HubSpot).
After you complete a follow-up task, create a new task 2-3 days after your last follow-up. Organizing these tasks in a CRM system is a great way to not fall behind on this process, track how many follow-ups you’ve made, and the dates you made them on.
3. Do multi-channel follow ups
A good rule of thumb is to follow up for a minimum of 7 times before you send them your final message to call it quits.
Try following up on multiple different channels, such as LinkedIn, email and by phone. If you still don’t get a response, consider setting up a new follow-up task to check in with them again in a few months.
4. Personalize your sales follow up
Take good, detailed notes during your sales presentation so you have the right information to personalize your follow-ups with later. The goal is to remind your prospects why they need to touch base with you again.