- Last updated on July 20, 2023

And even though the majority of sales teams are still working in the office, new HubSpot data suggests that 33% of sales teams work remotely.
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5 Tips To Manage Your Remote Team For Sales Success
Tip #1 Stay Up-to-Date With Your Team
Communicate At All Times
Choose The Right Meeting Style
Keep in Mind: Regardless of which meeting style you choose to take, be sure to make the meetings short and straight to the point.
This will allow the team to remain focused and prevent them from getting sidetracked, as studies have shown that longer meetings generally result in diminishing productivity.
Tip #2 Use Online Tools
You have popular tools like Zoom and Slack and other AI-powered tools like Nooks.
- SalesInfinity | This tool helps you increase the number of real-time conversations with prospects.
- Otter | This tool helps you write down live notes for every one of your meetings.
Tip #3 Sales Teams Love Incentives, So Have Contests

Sales Contest Ideas For Remote Teams
Power Hours
The employees who set a meeting doing cold calls at a specific hour get a gift card, for example.
And btw, if you need help getting your team to cold call effectively, you can learn how to make cold calling work for your sales team here.
The First One To Get a No
This is an old-school game. When the team is being reluctant to cold call, start a contest where the first one to get rejected wins. This is a fun way to have the team on the phones dialing fast.
The Biggest Sourced Deal Of The Quota
As the name suggests, this can be a gift card or a bonus for the rep who sourced the biggest closed-won deal of the quarter. That way SDRs are going to be more mindful of approaching big opportunities.
Tip #4 Find Alternate Solutions To Sustain Your Organization’s Culture
Friday Funday
Here at FiveRings Marketing, we meet every other Thursday with a fun group activity so we can get to know each other better.
This might seem like a waste of time for some people, but the results that this has in overall retention and employee productivity have proven to be effective.
Virtual Team Halls
Create opportunities for your team members to connect and talk about anything else that’s not work-related.
Through virtual company halls, employees can engage in casual conversations, share stories, and bond on a personal level.
You can create a group or Slack channel to share fun trips and adventures from your remote team, another group to share the best sales memes, and another group to share health and wellness tips and tricks.
Culture can be run remotely, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Tip #5 Set KPIs To Avoid Micromanaging
Running A Successful Remote Sales Team

- incorporating effective and open communication
- utilizing online tools
- implementing incentives and contests
- nurturing team culture
- setting clear KPIs
Embrace the incredible power of remote sales teams, practice the strategies outlined here, and empower your team to achieve remarkable results.
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Book a meeting with us today.

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