FiveRings Marketing - Helping B2B Tech Companies Go To Market

How To Close Sales Deals – Four Tips

Four Industry Secrets on How to Close Sales Deals

1. Turn on your camera

Having your camera on and showing your face has one important benefit: The prospect will remember you better by putting a face to a name – people trust people they’ve seen.

2. Structure your meeting to the 20-10 rule

Spend 20 minutes understanding the customer’s needs and pain points. Take this time to understand your prospects better and ask a lot of questions. Be curious. Then, 10 minutes should be all that’s required to talk about how your product can help their needs.

3. Take lots of notes

Thorough note-taking during sales meetings is setting yourself up for success later. The information on your notes will help you with your customized proposals and follow-ups.

4. Establish a timeline and set next steps

In the final minutes of your meeting, make sure to know what your next action items will be. For example, if your prospect needs to speak with their team before they can get back to you, set a tentative meeting with them. It is much easier to reschedule a meeting later, if needed, than to set a new meeting entirely
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